Sunday, March 20, 2011


Mameve Medwed's review of Emily, Alone by Stewart O'Nan appeared in The Boston Globe today.  The review starts, "What a relief: No vampires, zombies, fashionistas, shopaholics; no child abuse, alternative universes, cyber anything; and no violent crime (only a scratched car door) mark Stewart O'Nan's lovely, lyrical, leisurely paced portraint of 80-year-old Emily Maxwell."  Sounds perfect to me!  (Read the entire review here.)

Bookticipation will be quickly sated.  Emily, Alone is in stores now and, if plans hold, will be in my hands on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Nan said...

I'll have to read the review because along with those other qualities, I would like her not to die!
Have you ever read his Red Sox book written with Stephen King? Tom did and really liked it.